
Avaya Cms Flow In Calls
avaya cms flow in calls

Based on my personal experience, we have to define all the report during the initial period of contract with the vendor. The percentage of inbound calls on the Vector Directory.In using Avaya CMS Supervisor 13.0, for non IT people, sometimes quite frustrating. Once the call is transferred to the AAEP and the AAEP transfers it back to the measured VDN that will finally queue the call to the measured skill 1003 that the report is pulled for, CM creates a fake itn and sends a QUEUED message to the CMS - but because the transfer happened from an unmeasured station xxxx from the AAEP hunt group, CM is unable to merge this call leg properly with the original itn and the new itn stays QUEUED in the CMS Agent occupancy, displayed as a percentage, not including agent ACW time as work time.

avaya cms flow in callsavaya cms flow in calls

To make a summarized report from all the 4 skills, you have to select the data field in sum. To make the wizard more effective, dont choose all the data field at the Select Data Items window at once, choose only ROW_DATE and one field that is the most easiest to calculate, it will facilitate you in backtracking if there is any problem or error occured.5. This will allow you to select only the data that you need.3.

...avaya cms flow in calls

Avaya Cms Flow In Calls Update And Ensure

It looks like this:ACD=$acd and SPLIT = and ROW_DATE = The ACD, SPLIT and ROW_DATE are the database field, and the one within are the captions of the Input button.Another problem I found was finding the average value of the incoming calls during certain range of date, displayed per interval.CMS does not allow count clause, so you can not put "COUNT (CALLSOFFERED)" in the select query. Just remember, the group by clause only applied to the data, not to total query.The AND clause withing the WHERE, is matched to the Input. You have to close it and then choose the template over again from the Report menu in CMS, so dont panic if after updating, you still have the old form.Now, if you already update and ensure the template has the right query , it is time to add more data to the template.Mostly, the problem that are found are related with the database table. In my example above, in the date column, the data will contain ROW_DATE, and the total will contain "ROW DATE", this text function only as header so you have to put double quotes, otherwise, the total value will only display the corresponding date.Note : sometimes it is not enough for you to just restart the template to check is it displaying the report correctly or not. The only difference is there are any reference data, such as date, start time and skill, you have to give it a constant value instead of the data query.

Just let me know if you have any questions. Hope I'm finding something else to write here. To show the where clause, click on the WHERE button withing the corresponding query.Well, that's it for now. If that's the case, make sure you have the correct GROUP BY clause in the query.

avaya cms flow in calls